Eurodoc AGM 2013 – Appel à communicationEurodoc AGM 2013 – Appel à communication

Bonjour à tous,

Eurodoc, l’association européenne des jeunes chercheurs dont la CJC est membre fondateur,organise une conférence à Lisbonne (Portugal) les 4 et 5 avril 2013, en partenariat avec l’association des jeunes chercheurs Portugais (ABIC). Il reste 5 communications orales disponibles, prioritairement attribuées aux doctorants et jeunes docteurs !Bonjour à tous,

Eurodoc, l’association européenne des jeunes chercheurs dont la CJC est membre fondateur,organise une conférence à Lisbonne (Portugal) les 4 et 5 avril 2013, en partenariat avec l’association des jeunes chercheurs Portugais (ABIC). Il reste 5 communications orales disponibles, prioritairement attribuées aux doctorants et jeunes docteurs !

Cette conférence traitera les sujets suivants :

– Session I : Le programme-cadre européen « Horizon 2020 » pour la recherche et l’innovation durable
– Session II : Se développer dans un envoronnement sain : nouvelles tendances dans la recherche (2 communications orales disponibles)
– Session III : Travailler et développer sa recherche dans le cadre d’une société durable (1 communication orale disponible)
– Session IV : Science, communication et changement social (2 communications orales disponibles)

Vous trouverez plus d’informations dans le mail ci-dessous. Si vous êtes intéressés, merci de bien vouloir contacter les organisateurs de la conférence : La deadline est le 15 janvier.

La Confédération des Jeunes Chercheurs

Eurodoc Annual Conference 2013

4-5 April 2013
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
Lisbon, Portugal

Organized by:
European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers (EURODOC) and Associação dos Bolseiros de Investigação Científica (ABIC)


Eurodoc 2013 international conference theme is Europe’s grand societal challenges. This event aims to promote an in-depth debate over a number of key issues the European Union (EU) identified for European research within the areas of sustainable innovation and knowledge-based economy. Specifically, Eurodoc and ABIC intend on discussing the role of early stage researchers in tackling issues like:

a) Global warming, the tightening of energy supplies, security, ageing societies, pandemics and public health;
b) The development of research helping to integrate citizens living in the EU by respecting differences, while reducing all sorts of communication barriers, discrimination, or marginalisation, that is, by contributing to consolidate a common European identity.

Eurodoc invites all interested researchers to apply to this call for communication. There are five available places, 2 in plenary session II, 1 in plenary session III and 2 in plenary session IV, specified further below. Papers presenting a mix of theory and practice are especially welcome.

The EU has created programmes such as “Horizon 2020”, as a means of boosting research, innovation and competitiveness in Europe. Horizon 2020 brings together EU research and innovation funding under a single programme. It focuses on turning scientific breakthroughs into innovative products and services providing citizens with business opportunities and better living conditions. At the same time it simplifies rules and procedures to attract more high level researchers and a broader range of innovative businesses.

Another example concerns the EU programme “Europe 2020”, where Europe’s growth strategy is outlined. Europe 2020 aims at developing tools to reach a more inclusive and sustainable economy being its goals set on employment, innovation, education, social inclusion and climate/energy. One of its structural axis is the framework “Energy
2020” containing five pillars for action: 1) increasing the use of renewable energy; 2) developing the internal integrated market; 3) ameliorating safety and security in terms of production and transportation; 4) promoting research and innovation policies; 5) bettering the exploitation of geopolitical strength.

Having this in mind, Eurodoc 2013 annual conference will include four plenary sessions with distinguished speakers from various European, international and national institutions and organisations. The topics are as follows:
– Plenary Session I: The EU Horizon Framework Programmes for Research and Sustainable Innovation
– Plenary Session II: Growing in a healthy environment: new trends in research (2 open calls speakers)
– Plenary Session III: Working and researching within the framework of a Sustainable Society (one open call speaker)
– Plenary Sessions IV: Science, communication and social change (2 open call speakers)

In order to create an interactive debate, early stage researchers will present his or her personal viewpoint or research on the topic. All researchers interested in joining the debate of one of these sessions are welcome to submit an abstract proposal.

Abstracts of approximately 500 words, single spaced, excluding references, (no header, footers or track changes) are invited. All abstracts will be peer reviewed. New and young scholars with “work in progress” on the above mentioned topics are welcome. Note that due to restrictions of space, multiple submissions by the same author will not be timetabled.

Important dates:

Submission deadline: 15 December 2012 15th January 2013.
Decisions on acceptance to be made by a scientific committee: 31st January 2013.
15 minute presentation: 4th and 5th of April.
Abstracts should be emailed to contact point

Abstracts should include FULL contact details, including name, institutional affiliation, mailing address, and e-mail address. State the title of the plenary session to which you are submitting your abstract.

The communication will be no more than 15 minutes.

More information is possible to find:

Cette conférence traitera les sujets suivants :

– Session I : Le programme-cadre européen « Horizon 2020 » pour la recherche et l’innovation durable
– Session II : Se développer dans un envoronnement sain : nouvelles tendances dans la recherche (2 communications orales disponibles)
– Session III : Travailler et développer sa recherche dans le cadre d’une société durable (1 communication orale disponible)
– Session IV : Science, communication et changement social (2 communications orales disponibles)

Vous trouverez plus d’informations dans le mail ci-dessous. Si vous êtes intéressés, merci de bien vouloir contacter les organisateurs de la conférence : La deadline est le 15 janvier.

La Confédération des Jeunes Chercheurs

Eurodoc Annual Conference 2013

4-5 April 2013
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
Lisbon, Portugal

Organized by:
European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers (EURODOC) and Associação dos Bolseiros de Investigação Científica (ABIC)


Eurodoc 2013 international conference theme is Europe’s grand societal challenges. This event aims to promote an in-depth debate over a number of key issues the European Union (EU) identified for European research within the areas of sustainable innovation and knowledge-based economy. Specifically, Eurodoc and ABIC intend on discussing the role of early stage researchers in tackling issues like:

a) Global warming, the tightening of energy supplies, security, ageing societies, pandemics and public health;
b) The development of research helping to integrate citizens living in the EU by respecting differences, while reducing all sorts of communication barriers, discrimination, or marginalisation, that is, by contributing to consolidate a common European identity.

Eurodoc invites all interested researchers to apply to this call for communication. There are five available places, 2 in plenary session II, 1 in plenary session III and 2 in plenary session IV, specified further below. Papers presenting a mix of theory and practice are especially welcome.

The EU has created programmes such as “Horizon 2020”, as a means of boosting research, innovation and competitiveness in Europe. Horizon 2020 brings together EU research and innovation funding under a single programme. It focuses on turning scientific breakthroughs into innovative products and services providing citizens with business opportunities and better living conditions. At the same time it simplifies rules and procedures to attract more high level researchers and a broader range of innovative businesses.

Another example concerns the EU programme “Europe 2020”, where Europe’s growth strategy is outlined. Europe 2020 aims at developing tools to reach a more inclusive and sustainable economy being its goals set on employment, innovation, education, social inclusion and climate/energy. One of its structural axis is the framework “Energy
2020” containing five pillars for action: 1) increasing the use of renewable energy; 2) developing the internal integrated market; 3) ameliorating safety and security in terms of production and transportation; 4) promoting research and innovation policies; 5) bettering the exploitation of geopolitical strength.

Having this in mind, Eurodoc 2013 annual conference will include four plenary sessions with distinguished speakers from various European, international and national institutions and organisations. The topics are as follows:
– Plenary Session I: The EU Horizon Framework Programmes for Research and Sustainable Innovation
– Plenary Session II: Growing in a healthy environment: new trends in research (2 open calls speakers)
– Plenary Session III: Working and researching within the framework of a Sustainable Society (one open call speaker)
– Plenary Sessions IV: Science, communication and social change (2 open call speakers)

In order to create an interactive debate, early stage researchers will present his or her personal viewpoint or research on the topic. All researchers interested in joining the debate of one of these sessions are welcome to submit an abstract proposal.

Abstracts of approximately 500 words, single spaced, excluding references, (no header, footers or track changes) are invited. All abstracts will be peer reviewed. New and young scholars with “work in progress” on the above mentioned topics are welcome. Note that due to restrictions of space, multiple submissions by the same author will not be timetabled.

Important dates:

Submission deadline: 15 December 2012 15th January 2013.
Decisions on acceptance to be made by a scientific committee: 31st January 2013.
15 minute presentation: 4th and 5th of April.
Abstracts should be emailed to contact point

Abstracts should include FULL contact details, including name, institutional affiliation, mailing address, and e-mail address. State the title of the plenary session to which you are submitting your abstract.

The communication will be no more than 15 minutes.

More information is possible to find: